Useful Articles

Is aerated concrete harmful: a few facts about the eco-friendliness of the material

21 декабря 2023

Useful Articles


Is aerated concrete harmful: a few facts about the eco-friendliness of the material

Among the various properties, which pay attention to when choosing a masonry building material, an important place is occupied by environmental safety. If we talk about aerated concrete, in the network you can find a lot of statements that it is harmful to health and / or the environment. This is completely unsubstantiated information, which are cited mainly by manufacturers of other building materials.

The authors of such articles cite the fact that the construction of buildings made of aerated concrete is prohibited in Finland and a number of other European countries. However, such bans have no connection with the issue of environmental friendliness. The reason here is the strength, which is unacceptable for the harsh climatic conditions of the Scandinavian peninsula. So, is aerated concrete actually harmful? The answer to the question you will find in this article.

The eco-friendliness of aerated concrete: the real facts

To begin with, let's give the components that make up autoclaved aerated concrete blocks. In the process of their production, cement, silica sand, lime, water and aluminum powder are used. None of these components are toxic and pose no danger to human health or the environment. During production and in the finished product, these components do not enter into any chemical reactions.

Moreover, the fact that the material does not react with external elements present in the normal environment is proof of the ecological friendliness of aerated concrete (perhaps the authors of the accusatory articles conducted experiments inside a nuclear reactor - it is difficult to find another explanation for their arguments). Is there any more proof required that the claims about the harm of aerated concrete are absolute heresy? If yes, there is!

Some pseudo-experts express an opinion about the toxicity and sometimes even radioactivity of the gas that is in the sealed pores of aerated concrete blocks. In fact, in the pores of aerated concrete blocks is ordinary air, and ok, as is known, is not dangerous to health, and even less radioactive.

Thus, aerated concrete belongs to the category of environmentally safe materials. This is confirmed by certificates of conformity, which every reputable manufacturing company is ready to provide its buyers. At least, if you purchase autoclaved aerated concrete blocks of our production, we will document the absence of any harm in their composition.