Useful Articles

Slagblock in Tashkent

21 Dekabr 2023

Useful Articles


Slagblock in Tashkent

Slag blocks and gas blocks: comparative characteristics of materials

The modern market offers a wide range of construction masonry materials. In this article we will make a detailed comparison of two of them. It will be about cinder blocks and gas blocks, which are actively used as an alternative to the classic brick. Here you will find a general description of each of the materials, their advantages and disadvantages. If you have any additional questions about cinder blocks and aerated concrete blocks, we recommend to contact Arton consultants. With them you can also discuss the supply of autoclaved aerated concrete blocks in Uzbekistan.

General characteristics of materials

To begin with, let's consider what cinder blocks and aerated concrete blocks are. Both materials are artificial stone on a cement base, acting as a binding base. In the manufacture of cinder blocks, the filler can be slag, cement or glass, bricks, granotsev and other secondary resources. In this case, the filler used directly affects the strength, frost resistance and a number of other properties of the finished product. So, for example, blocks based on slag are characterized by the lowest environmental friendliness, and products based on expanded clay - maximum durability.

In the production of gas blocks in the usual basic cement mixture (cement, sand, water) add a gas-forming agent (usually aluminum) and quicklime. As a result of the chemical reaction of these two components, hydrogen gas is released, and pores are formed throughout the volume of the product. In addition, the technology of manufacturing gas blocks can be autoclaved or non-autoclaved. In the first case, the solidification of the material occurs under high pressure and at high temperatures. This material is more durable. We would like to add that you can order exactly such gas blocks in the company "Arton".

Advantages and disadvantages

Slag blocks and aerated concrete blocks find the widest application in construction. In this case, the choice of the best option for the construction of a particular object, as well as individual elements of the structure should be approached selectively. Familiarize yourself with the main advantages and disadvantages of each of the materials. The pros of cinder blocks include:

  • Uncomplicated manufacturing technology. The lack of special production equipment allows you to make cinder blocks even at home. However, this factor is often reflected negatively on the quality of products.
  • Low cost. The use of secondary raw materials in cinder blocks and the simplicity of technology favorably affects the final cost. However, and here we should not forget about the reduction in quality (the cheaper the raw material, the lower the performance characteristics).
  • Diverse choice. As noted above, depending on the filler, certain characteristics of the material change. This allows you to select the optimal type of cinder blocks for each object.
  • Convenience and ease of work. Light weight and relatively large size contribute to the acceleration of the masonry process. In addition, when working with cinder blocks reduces the consumption of material for caulking joints (compared to brick).

The presence of a number of advantages is accompanied by no less weighty disadvantages. The main disadvantages of cinder blocks in comparison with aerated concrete blocks:

  • low environmental friendliness, the level of which depends on the filler;
  • less precise geometric accuracy (increases labor costs);
  • high moisture absorption, requiring mandatory waterproofing;
  • low frost resistance, reducing the possibilities of application;
  • susceptibility to mechanical influences (increased fragility).

If we talk about the advantages of gas blocks, there are many more points. And it is not only about comparing aerated concrete not only with cinder blocks, but also with other masonry materials. So, the pluses of aerated blocks are:

  • light weight, reducing the load on load-bearing structures and foundations;
  • large size, which simplifies and speeds up the process of masonry;
  • high environmental friendliness (especially for autoclaved blocks);
  • fire resistance, expressed in the fact that aerated concrete does not melt and does not burn;
  • low thermal conductivity, providing an optimal microclimate;
  • high frost resistance, defined within 150 cycles.

All this is complemented by the simplicity of work. Gas blocks can be easily cut with an ordinary saw, which allows you to get complex geometric shapes. In addition, gas blocks are more durable (up to 200 years) compared to cinder blocks (up to 100 years depending on the filler).

If we talk about disadvantages, aerated concrete blocks have two of them. The first of them is high hygroscopicity. Moisture absorption and severe frost can cause the destruction of aerated concrete blocks. Therefore, walls and partitions from this material require a high-quality finish. The second disadvantage is a relatively high cost. Nevertheless, even with the difference in price, aerated concrete is more preferable in construction than cinder blocks. The exception is basements and utility rooms, where heat preservation, environmental friendliness and comfortable microclimate do not play a special role.