Useful Articles

Which is better: CIP panels or aerated concrete

21 Dekabr 2023

Useful Articles


Which is better: CIP panels or aerated concrete

Comparing different building materials is a popular and useful trend that has become widespread nowadays. It is especially important for new products on the construction market. In particular, we are talking about aerated blocks and the newer CIP panels. In this article, we will conduct a construction analysis of the two materials according to the most important features for the construction and operation of facilities. If after reading the text you have additional questions, you can always use the help of experienced consultants of our company.

General characteristics of aerated concrete and SIP-panels

Aerated concrete, which our company offers, is a type of lightweight concrete, obtained by autoclave method. The peculiarity of the internal structure - blind pores, providing low thermal conductivity and noise reduction. Looking ahead, we note that on the Internet there are often erroneous comparisons, the authors of which have no idea of the difference between aerated concrete and foam concrete. In fact, these are different materials that have a lot in common, but also a lot of differences. Gas blocks are significantly superior to their foam concrete counterparts in terms of strength, geometric accuracy and noise reduction. Therefore, the comparison of SIP-panels with aerated concrete and with foam concrete should not be confused.

As for SIP-panels - this is a rather voluminous concept. The abbreviation SIP (Structurally Insulated Panel) actually defines the main purpose of manufacturing such materials. The priority here is to provide insulating properties (heat, noise, external physical factors). The composition of such products can be different. Most often, OSB boards, polyurethane glue and polystyrene foam are used for the manufacture of SIP-panels. The presence of the last two components causes ambiguous opinions about environmental friendliness. No matter how much the manufacturers claim the environmental safety of SIP-panels, the chemical composition of these products can not be called completely safe.

Comparison of CIP panels and gas blocks

In the previous paragraph, we have already noted some properties of the two materials. In particular, we pointed out that aerated concrete is characterized by good noise reduction and allows maximum heat preservation in the rooms. Similar properties have and SIP-panels, the purpose of creating which, let us remind you, is precisely to provide insulating properties. Moreover, SIP-panels are less susceptible to moisture penetration, and by this indicator they are somewhat superior to gas blocks. However, in the climatic conditions of Uzbekistan, such superiority plays an insignificant role. It is enough to perform appropriate finishing works, and the difference is completely smoothed out.

At the same time, if we talk about strength and durability, autoclaved gas blocks are more preferable in the construction of low-rise objects. They are more compact, which gives them an advantage when carrying out works. There is a superiority and on the criterion of shrinkage, which in aerated concrete is almost half as much as in CIP-panels. All this is complemented by a lower cost of gas blocks in conjunction with the cost of construction. Again, we emphasize that we are talking only about products from reliable manufacturers.