
Soundproofing of aerated concrete

21 декабря 2023



Soundproofing of aerated concrete

It is traditionally believed that the porous structure and light weight play a negative role in the noise resistance of aerated concrete blocks. However, in fact, this statement cannot be called indisputable. Especially it concerns the sound insulation of autoclaved aerated concrete, the production of which is engaged in our company. Blocks presented in our catalog, quite well protect the premises from outside noises and from sound leakage from the inside. Read the general information about the sound insulation index of aerated blocks, as well as recommendations, following which you can strengthen this property of the material.

What is the sound insulation of aerated blocks

The property of the popular material discussed in this article plays an important role in the construction of civil and commercial construction projects. The soundproofing index of gas blocks is an indicator of the protection of premises from outside noise and protection of sounds emitted inside the objects from escaping outside. One of the main conditions that ensure effectiveness in this regard is heavy specific gravity.

It is not difficult to guess that the noise insulation of lightweight aerated concrete blocks is lower than that of bricks or wood. However, autoclave production technology allows to improve this indicator to the maximum. For D400, D500 and D600 aerated concrete blocks the noise insulation coefficient is 43 - 55 dB depending on the thickness. The existing norms for partitions between apartments are 52 dB, between rooms - 43 dB. That is, the material offered in our catalog fully complies with the established norms.

Is it possible to increase the noise insulation index of aerated concrete?

According to the results of a number of tests, the indicators of autoclaved aerated blocks of our production are superior to other building materials. Only in exceptional cases, when using them, additional measures may be required to increase the protection against sound penetration/leakage. Classic examples are the construction of a recording studio or an entertainment club. When constructing such facilities, it is recommended to additionally use special soundproofing materials, apply a thick layer of plaster, or use framed or frameless soundproofing.

The choice of one or another method depends on the main source of the noise produced. In construction and engineering, it is classified into shock, wave and structural (combines the properties of the two previous ones). As a rule, manufacturers of soundproofing materials specify the type of noise from which their products protect. By selecting the best option for your object, you can significantly strengthen the sound insulation of aerated concrete used for construction.